Un festival très arrosé à Fukagawa
Fukagawa water sprinkling festival
This festival, whose official name is Fukagawa Hachiman Matsuri (litteraly the festival of the Hachiman god in Fukagawa - Hachiman is the deity of warriors) is also known as the Fukagawa Mizukake Matsuri (water sprinkling festival) because Fukagawa folks along the route sprinkle water over the portable shrine and its bearers. This festival is believed to date back to 1642 was considered one of the three major festivals in Edo, along with the Sannô Matsuri in Akasaka and the Myôjin Matsuri in Kanda. The festival once attracted so many spectators that a bridge collapsed under their weight during the Edo period and crossing bridges with a portable shrine was banned until the middle of the Meiji period (1868-1912).
August 1999
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