Nakamura Shijaku 0.1

The actor Nakamura Tomiko held the name of Nakamura Shijaku from the 9th lunar month of 1858 to 1873.

Nakamura Shijaku 0.2
Nakamura Shijaku  In Japanese

A minor actor, performing mostly in Nagoya or Kyôto, held the name of Nakamura Shijaku from the middle to the end of the Meiji era.

Nakamura Shijaku I

The actor Nakamura Kichinosuke I held the name of Nakamura Shijaku I from 1916 to May 1921.

Nakamura Shijaku II

The actor Matsumoto Kôjaku II held the name of Nakamura Shijaku II from August 1984 to May 2011

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