30 September 2024

ACTORS: Mimasu Kanzô I.

PLAYS: "Modoribashi Sena-ni Gohiiki".

PLAYWRIGHTS: Matsuchi Shôkichi.

ACTORS LINES: Matsumoto Kojirô, Matsuo Kozarashi, Mimasu Baisha & Mizuki Tôzô.

LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Morita Kosaburô & Murayama Shirojûrô.


PROGRAMS: October 2024 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza and the Shôchikuza, a new flyer for the Hakataza), November 2024 (Kabukiza, Tachikawa Stage Garden, details and a new flyer for the Meijiza), December 2024 (Minamiza, Kabukiza) and January 2025 (Shôchikuza, Shinbashi Enbujô, Asakusa Kôkaidô).

OTHERS: 14 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 20 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the pages on the actors Mihogi Gizaemon II and Murayama Matasaburô I have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); 2 new guilds in the guilds list (Takasagoya, Tomimasuya); 3 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Shirô, Sotô, Tôri); fujiwara michikane, higekuro, kaidômaru, kazan tennô, minamoto nakamitsu, minamoto yorinobu, sadaishô, sanshô and tabako-uri have been added to the glossary.

29 August 2024

PLAYS: "Kameyama no Adauchi", "Keisei Hotoke no Hara", "Kiritarô Tengu" & "Kômonki".

KABUKI ART: Shibaraku!

PROGRAMS: September 2024 (a new flyer and the details for the Kabukiza & the New National Theatre, details for the Succession Announcement Tour), October 2024 (Kabukiza, a flyer for the Shôchiku Grand Kabuki Tour), November 2024 (Shinbashi Enbujô, Tachikawa Stage Garden, a flyer for the Shôchiku Grand Kabuki Tour) and December 2024 (flyer for the Minamiza, Shinbashi Enbujô).

OTHERS: 6 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 20 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; new illustration for the actor Nakajima Mihoemon IV; a temporary page for the drama "Kutsukake Tokijirô" (without any global summary); fugo, fugo watashi, gessôji, gôshû, hamamatsu-han, hamamatsu-jô, hamamatsu-juku, ise kameyama-han, kaeriuchi, kameyama no adauchi, kameyama-jô, kameyamamono, kômonmono, mikuni, mito kômon, tai, tokugawa mitsukuni and yôjutsu have been added to the glossary.

31 July 2024

ACTORS: Sendai Yagoshichi.

PLAYS: "Shiranui Monogatari".

ACTORS LINES: Shinozuka Shômatsu, Shinomiya Heihachi & Suzuki Heizaemon.

LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Sakata Jôgorô, Sanogawa Hatsugiku, Sawamura Rokurô, Shibazaki Tamijûrô, Shinozuka Sôhachi, Sodesaki Shichisaburô & Suzuki Heishichi.

PROGRAMS: August 2024 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza, a new flyer and the casting for the Succession Announcement Tour, Hikifune Culture Center, a new flyer for the Chigyokai/Kabukikai and the Kamigata Kabukikai), September 2024 (Kabukiza, New National Theatre, a new flyer and the details for the Minamiza, a new flyer and the casting for the Minamiza and the Succession Announcement Tour, Asakusa Kôkaidô), October 2024 (Shôchiku Grand Kabuki, a new flyer for the Hakataza) and November 2024 (Meijiza, Eirakukan, Shôchiku Grand Kabuki).

OTHERS: 10 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 25 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; chadôguya, ryûtei tanehiko, shiranui monogatari, shôrômori and takaya hikoshirô tomohisa have been added to the glossary.

30 June 2024

ACTORS: Kanazawa Heiroku.

PLAYS: "Genroku Hanami Odori", "Kakuju Senzai", "Kanzan Jittoku", "Meoto Gitsune", "Shirabyôshi no Hana no En" and "Yuki no Dôjôji".

PROGRAMS: July 2024 (4 new flyers and details for the Kabukiza, a new flyer and updated casting for the Shôchikuza, Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre, Kabukiza), August 2024 (Kabukiza, National Bunraku Theatre, National Nô Theatre, Kintetsu Art Kan, Asakusa Kôkaidô), September 2024 (National Bunraku Theatre, Asakusa Kôkaidô) and October 2024 (Shôchikuza, Misonoza, Hakataza, Kinshû Special Tour).

OTHERS: 15 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; ben-no-naishi, buyôgeki, chônin, gion, haikaishi, hiren densetsu, jittoku, kanzan, kusunoki masatsura, otoko mai, sesshû tôyô, suikan, tanzen zamurai and tomo yakko have been added to the glossary.

31 May 2024

CONTEMPORARY ACTORS: Nakamura Baishi V, Nakamura Haruki, Nakamura Manju, Nakamura Natsuki and Nakamura Tokizô VI.

PROGRAMS: June 2024 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza, the Hakataza & the Misonoza, details and full casting for the June Kabuki Appreciation Class and the Minamiza), July 2024 (Shôchikuza), August 2024 (Kabukiza) and September 2024 (Succession Announcement Tour, Minamiza).

OTHERS: the pages on the Nakamura Baishi and Nakamura Tokizô lines of actors have been reworked; A new illustration for the actors Ichikawa Kodanji V, Ichikawa Sadanji II, Nakamura Karoku III and Nakamura Kichiemon I; a new illustration page for the actors Ichikawa Kodanji V, Ichikawa Sadanji II, Ichikawa Sumizô V, Nakamura Manju and Nakamura Tokizô VI.

30 April 2024

ACTORS: Takamura Matashirô.

PLAYS: "Goto Teppôba", "Hana Kenjô", "Kitasaga" and "Kosui Gozabune".

PROGRAMS: May 2024 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza), June 2024 (Kabukiza), July 2024 (Shôchikuza, Kabukiza, Tiara Kôtô, Chôfu City Green Hall) and August 2024 (Succession Announcement Tour).

OTHERS: 1 new link; 5 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 20 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; date jirô, dewa gorô, fujiwara hidehira, fujiwara kunihira, fujiwara michihira, fujiwara tadahira, fujiwara takahira, fujiwara yasuhira, gotô matabê, gotô mototsugu, gunshi, hana kenjô, hanakago, izumi saburô, kamei rokurô, kamei rokurô shigekiyo, kamei shigekiyo, menuki, motoyoshi shirô, nishikido tarô, ôgi-ga-yatsu, ôno harunori, yaezakura and yoshitsune shitennô have been added to the glossary.

31 March 2024

PLAYS: "Chinsetsu Yumihari-zuki" and "Choinose".

PLAYWRIGHTS: Chikamatsu Yôsuke.

PLAYWRIGHTS LINES: Chikamatsu Monzaemon and Chikamatsu Tasuke.

LESSER KNOWN PLAYWRIGHTS: Chikamachi Jisuke, Chikamatsu Tokubei and Chikamatsu Tokuji.

PROGRAMS: April 2024 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza, details for the Shungyô Special Tour), May 2024 (Kabukiza, Misonoza, a new flyer for the Theater MILANO-Za and the Tôkyô Tatemono Brillia Hall), June 2024 (Misonoza, Shôchiku Special Kabuki Tour, Sunpearl Arakawa, Kanagawa Prefectural Youth Center Momijizaka Hall, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center Granship) and July 2024 (Kabukiza, Shôchiku Special Kabuki Tour).

OTHERS: 1 new link; 15 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 15 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; a new illustration page for the actor Nakajima Kanzaemon III; new illustrations for the sakusha Chikamatsu Tokuzô and Nagawa Kunisuke; a new illustration page for the actors Ichikawa Kodanji IV, Ichikawa Sai'nyû I and Nakamura Nakazô III; the pages on the actors Nakajima Kanzaemon III, Nakajima Mihoemon III, Nakamura Jusaburô III, Nakamura Shikan III, Onoe Kanijûrô III, Onoe Kikujirô III, Ôtani Tomoemon III, Sakakiyama Koshirô III, Sanogawa Hanazuma III, Suketakaya Takasuke III, Tamagawa Sennojô III and Uemura Kichiya III have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); 10 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Gangyoku, Kigen, Kôga, Rijû, Ryûshi, Senshi, Tôshi, Tosshi, Tosshô, Zeshô); akusafu, fujiwara teika, fujiwara yorinaga, hei yorimoto, karasu, karasu tengu, kinmanmon, meoto yado, minamoto tameyori, ongyokumono, ôshima, rôtô, ryôshi, ryûkyû rettô, sansai, satsunan shotô, shirominegû, uji sadaijin and utazaimon have been added to the glossary.

29 February 2024

ACTORS: Bandô Kôtarô and Bandô Tarô.

PLAYS: "Benikan".

ACTORS LINES: Bandô Aizô and Bandô Kitsujûrô.

LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Bandô Heiroku and Bandô Usaburô.

PROGRAMS: March 2024 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza, the Heisei Nakamuraza and the Minamiza, details for the Yôshun Special Tour, Tôkyô International Forum), April 2024 (Kabukiza, details and a new flyer for the Kanamaruza, details for the Yôshun Special Tour), May 2024 (Minamiza, details for the Tôkyô Tatemono Brillia Hall, a new flyer for the Theater MILANO-Za) and June 2024 (Hakataza, Minamiza, Shôchikuza, Kabukiza).

OTHERS: 1 new link; 20 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 15 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; new illustration for the actor Nakajima Mihoemon II; a new illustration page for the actors Sawamura Tanosuke IV and Yoshizawa Ayame IV; the pages on the actors Kagaya Kashichi I, Kanazawa Goheiji I, Kaneko Kichizaemon, Karyû Sawaemon, Kataoka Ichizô V, Kataoka Nizaemon X, Kataoka Roen VI, Katayama Kozaemon, Kawarasaki Gonjûrô II and Kawarasaki Kunitarô V have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); 5 new guilds in the guilds list (Gusokuya, Kinojiya, Kinojiya, Kinojiya, Kinojiya); 8 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Gadô, Ikkô, Issen, Issen, Kanbô, Roen, Soryû, Zankyô); asagao-uri, benikan, beniya kanbê, chôchô-uri, mushi-uri, oshiguma, suzumushi, uchiwa and uchiwa-uri have been added to the glossary.

31 January 2024

ACTORS: Azuma Ichinojô I.

PLAYS: "Asama-ga-Dake".

PLAYWRIGHTS: Azuma Sanpachi.

ACTORS LINES: Arashi Raishi.


LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Arashi Hirosaburô.


PROGRAMS: February 2024 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza, the Misonoza, the Shôchikuza and the Hakataza), March 2024 (Kabukiza, Yôshun Special Tour), April 2024 (Yôshun Special Tour, Shungyô Special Tour) and May 2024 (Theater MILANO-Za, Tôkyô Tatemono Brillia Hall).

OTHERS: 1 new link; 15 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 15 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; new illustrations for the actor Ichikawa Danzô IV and Ichikawa Raizô II; new illustrations for the dance "Sagi Musume"; a new illustration page for the dance "Sagi Musume"; a new illustration page for the actors Ichikawa Danzô III and Yamashita Kinsaku IV; 2 new guilds in the guilds list (Tachibanaya, Toraya); 6 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Kitsushi, Kitsushi, Korai, Raishi, Raishi, Shigan); asama daimyôjin, asama gongen, asama jinja, asama no ôkami, asamamono, chimori, fugen bosatsu, higashiyama, kaichô, kaichômono, kishômon, kyôgenbon, monme and sengen jinja have been added to the glossary.

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