UPDATES 2023 |
31 December 2023 |
2023 in figures:
I would like to thank very much all the friends who helped me building this site. Happy New Year of the Dragon (tatsu) 2024! We hope that the 6th year of the Reiwa era will be a great one for the Kabuki world ! A thought for Ichikawa Sadanji IV, Ichikawa Danshirô IV and Ichikawa En'ô II who passed away in 2023. PLAYWRIGHTS LINES: Nakamura Koichi and Nakamura Seikurô. KAOMISE: Kyôto 1723 (Miyako Mandayû's theater), Kyôto 1723 (Ebisuya Kichirôbê's theater) and Kyôto 1723 (Hoteiya Umenojô's theater). STROLLING AROUND: Nakamura Fukuen in Kotohira. LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Nakamura Fukuen, Nakamura Kohakurô, Nakamura Mikiemon, Nakamura Tamagashiwa and Nakamura Yatsusaburô. LESSER KNOWN PLAYWRIGHTS: Nakamura Raisuke and Nakamura Shichirôzaemon. PROGRAMS: January 2024 (2 new flyers for the Asakusa Kôkaidô, 1 new flyer for the Kabukiza and the Shinbashi Enbujô, details for the Kabukiza, Ôsaka Club), February 2024 (Misonoza, details and a new flyer for the Shinbashi Enbujô), March 2024 (Minamiza, details and a new flyer for the Shinbashi Enbujô) and April 2024 (Kanamaruza). OTHERS: 1 new link; 25 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 35 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the pages on the Nakamura Kiyosaburô and Nakamura Sen'ya lines of actors have been reworked; new illustrations for the actors Nakamura Daikichi I, Nakamura Jûzô II, Nakamura Kiyosaburô I, Nakamura Matsue I, Nakamura Nakazô I, Nakamura Noshio II, Nakamura Rikô I, Nakamura Shichisaburô I, Nakamura Shôchô, Nakamura Sukegorô II, Nakamura Tomijûrô I and Nakamura Utaemon I; a new illustration page for the actor Nakamura Daikichi I, Nakamura Ganjirô I and Nakamura Rikô I; the pages on the actors Nakamura Daikichi I, Nakamura Denkurô VI, Nakamura Ganjirô I, Nakamura Kamenojô I, Nakamura Kiyosaburô I, Nakamura Matagorô I, Nakamura Matazô II, Nakamura Rikô I, Nakamura Sen'ya I, Nakamura Shichisaburô I, Nakamura Shikaku II and Nakamura Shôchô have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); a new rank in the kuraizuke page; a new guild in the guilds list (Takemotoya); 24 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Baito, Bunji, Fugô, Jakudô, Jakudô, Jakuyû, Jujaku, Kagyô, Kajaku, Kajaku, Keishû, Kikaku, Kito, Rikô, Rikô, Rikô, Rikô, Sachô, Sankô, Senjaku, Shikin, Shito, Shôchô, Toyu); musashi abumi has been added to the glossary. |
30 November 2023 |
PLAYS: "Otowa-ga-Dake Danmari" and "Ôuchi Yakata". KAOMISE: Ôsaka 1723 (Naka no Shibai) and Ôsaka 1723 (Ônishi no Shibai). LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Osagawa Tatsuya. PROGRAMS: December 2023 (details for the Minamiza, the Kabukiza and the Shinbashi Enbujô, new flyers for the Kabukiza and the Shinbashi Enbujô), January 2024 (Kabukiza, Shôchikuza, a new flyer and the full casting for the Shinbashi Enbujô), February 2024 (Kabukiza, Shôchikuza, Shinbashi Enbujô) and March 2024 (Heisei Nakamuraza, Minamiza, Shinbashi Enbujô). OTHERS: 30 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 35 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the pages on the Osagawa Shichizô line of actors has been reworked; new illustrations for the actors Ogawa Kichitarô III, Ogino Izaburô II and Osagawa Tsuneyo II; a new illustration page for the actor Arashi Tomisaburô II, Nakamura Kan'emon III, Ogawa Kichitarô III, Onoe Tatsunosuke I, Osagawa Tsuneyo II and Osagawa Tsuneyo IV; the pages on the actors Ogawa Kichitarô III, Ogino Izaburô II, Ôkawa Hashizô II, Onoe Eizaburô VII, Onoe Kurôemon II, Onoe Montarô, Onoe Shôroku II, Onoe Tatsunosuke I, Osagawa Tsuneyo IV, Ôtani Hirohachi I and Ôtani Tomoemon II have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); a new guild in the guilds list (Ogawaya); 15 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Baizan, Chikuyô, Eishi, Kenfu, Kiban, Kinbi, Kyosen, Kyosen, Rigyoku, Ritô, Riyû, Riyû, Shochô, Teifu, Zegyô); bungo, chichibu, goku-murui, gunpyô, higo, kanesaka kan'ichi, kikori, naka-no-naka, okorago, okurago, ôuchi-shi, sanzoku, shibai mae, shinsen, shôkôsai hanbê, tsujidô, yamamoto hisashi and yameishu have been added to the glossary. |
31 October 2023 |
PLAYS: "Ochiyo Hanbê". KAOMISE: Edo 1723 (Nakamuraza), Edo 1723 (Ichimuraza) and Edo 1723 (Moritaza). LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Ogino Kinnojô, Ogino Makinojô and Ogino Sagenta. LESSER KNOWN PLAYWRIGHTS: Ôya Jinkichi and Oyomi Eisuke. PROGRAMS: November 2023 (details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza), December 2023 (Kabukiza, casting and a new flyer for the Shinbashi Enbujô), January 2024 (Shôchikuza, Asakusa Kôkaidô, Shinbashi Enbujô, Kyôto Gekijô) and February 2024 (Misonoza, Hakataza). OTHERS: 1 new link; 10 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 10 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the page on the Matsumoto Shichizô has been reworked; new illustrations for the actors Onoe Kikugorô V, Onoe Kikugorô VI and Yamashita Kinsaku II; a new illustration page for the actors Bandô Hikosaburô VI, Kataoka Ichizô III, Nakajima Mihoemon II, Onoe Baikô VI, Onoe Kikugorô V, Onoe Kikugorô VI, Ôtani Tomoemon IV, Ôtani Tomoemon VI and Sawamura Tanosuke III; the pages on the actors Onoe Baikô VI, Onoe Baikô VII, Onoe Kikugorô V, Onoe Kikugorô VI, Onoyama Ujiemon, Ôtani Hiroji III, Ôtani Hiroji V, Ôtani Tomoemon IV, Ôtani Tomoemon VI and Ôtori Michiemon have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); 12 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Jicchô, Jicchô, Kakitsu, Rakuen, Renshû, Sanchô, Sensha, Shidô, Shidô, Shiyû, Togyoku, Tôshû); aburakake-chô, bijinga, edomae, ikutama, kadobi, kanjinsho, kô, kôshin, kôshin machi, kôshinzuka, morikawa chikashige, natori shunsen, ôbyakushô, toyohara kunichika and yoi gôshin have been added to the glossary. |
28 September 2023 |
LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Ichikawa Masujaku, Ichimura Tarô, Ichinoya Sagoshichi, Ikushima Kashiwazaki, Itô Tsumaemon and Iwai Hananojô. LESSER KNOWN PLAYWRIGHTS: Ichioka Rihei, Ichiyama Bokuhei and Ichô Reisuke. PROGRAMS: October 2023 (details for the Kabukiza and the National Theatre, a new flyer for the Kabukiza), November 2023 (Kabukiza), December 2023 (Minamiza, Shinbashi Enbujô) and January 2024 (Asakusa Kôkaidô). OTHERS: 1 new link; 11 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 10 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the pages on the Bandô Kumajûrô, Nakamura Tomijûrô and Onoe Fujaku lines of actors have been reworked; new illustrations for the actors Onoe Kikunosuke II and Sanogawa Ichimatsu I; a new illustration page for the actors Azuma Tôzô II, Onoe Fujaku III and Onoe Kikunosuke II; the pages on the actors Kataoka Ichizô III, Kawarasaki Gonjûrô III, Nakamura Baigyoku III, Nakamura Daikichi III, Nakamura Kan'emon III, Nakamura Tomijûrô III, Onoe Fujaku III, Onoe Taganojô III and Onoe Tamizô III have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); a temporary page for the drama "Ishida no Tsubone" (without any global summary); 2 new guilds in the guilds list (Naruoya, Yawataya); 9 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Baika, Baika, Baishô, Baishô, Hajô, Keishi, Naruo, Rosui, Sanjaku); anmatori, inga kozô rokunosuke, ingamono, ingamonoshi, kaizoku, kinezumi kichigorô, kinezumi kishigorô, kumokiri nizaemon, mawashi-beya, misemono, misemonoshi, nozarashi, osaraba denji, subashiri kumagorô, subashiri kumagorô, takanawa and yamaneko sanji have been added to the glossary. |
31 August 2023 |
PLAYS: "Daini no Shisha" and "Shôgun Edo o Saru". PROGRAMS: September 2023 (details for the Kabukiza, the National Theatre, the Hakataza and the Eirakukan, a new flyer for the Kabukiza and the Hakataza, a flyer for the National Theatre),
October 2023 (Kabukiza, National Theatre, details and a new flyer for the Misonoza, Asakusa Kôkaidô),
November 2023 (details for the Heisei Nakamuraza, OTHERS: 5 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 3 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; a new illustration for the actor Nakamura Shikan IV; a new illustration page for the actors Ichikawa Gonjûrô, Iwai Shijaku III, Nakamura Kamenojô I, Onoe Kikugorô IV and Seki Sanjûrô IV; the pages on the actors Kataoka Ichizô IV, Kataoka Nizaemon IV, Kawarasaki Chôjûrô IV, Kawarasaki Kunitarô IV, Nakamura Denkurô IV, Nakamura Shikan IV, Onoe Kikugorô IV and Onoe Matsusuke IV have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); a temporary page for the dance-drama "Kakuju Senzai" and the drama "Oshimodoshi" (without any global summary); 4 new guilds in the guilds list (Hamaya, Izutsuya, Komamuraya, Tomoeya); 12 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Baifu, Baiga, Baikô, Bukaku, Gachô, Gashô, Jijaku, Kakusei, Sakoku, Shidô, Shigan, Shishô); amano hachirô, bakumatsu no sanshû, ittô shôden mutô-ryû, miokuri, ono tetsutarô, shibusawa seiichirô, shôgitai, takahashi deishû, takahashi hirotake, takahashi ise-no-kami, tokugawa yoshinobu, tsuru tôge, ueno sensô, yamaoka takayuki, yamaoka tesshû, yamaoka tetsutarô and yui-ga-hama have been added to the glossary. |
31 July 2023 |
PROGRAMS: August 2023 (details for the Kabukiza, the Minamiza and the Asakusa Kôkaidô programs, new flyer for the Kabukiza and the Kintetsu Art Kan), September 2023 (Kabukiza, National Theatre, Eirakukan, a new flyer for the Hakataza, a new flyer and details for the Minamiza), October 2023 (Kinshû Special Tour, Tachikawa Stage Garden, a new flyer and details for the Succession Announcement Tour) and November 2023 (Heisei Nakamuraza, Succession Announcement Tour). OTHERS: 1 new link; 7 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 10 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the page on the Tsutsui Kichijûrô line of actors has been reworked; a new illustration for the actor Tsutsui Kichijûrô I; a new illustration page for the actors Nakamura Denkurô IV and Nakamura Sukegorô I; the pages on the actors Matsumoto Yonesaburô I, Nakamura Sukegorô I, Onoe Tamizô I, Sanogawa Hanazuma I, Suketakaya Takasuke I, Tsuruya Nanboku I and Tsutsui Kichijûrô I have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); a temporary page for the drama "Akiba Gongen Kaisen Banashi" (without any global summary); 4 new haimyô in the haimyô list (Baishi, Bunsha, Gyoraku, Kôchô); 2 new guilds in the guilds list (Aizuya, Sengokuya); akiba gongen and ôigawa have been added to the glossary. |
30 June 2023 |
ACTORS: Nakamura Danzô and Nakamura Senzô. ACTORS LINES: Nakamura Jûzô, Nakamura Kamenojô, Nakamura Kan'emon, Nakamura Kannojô, Nakamura Sanzaemon and Nakamura Seigorô. PLAYWRIGHTS LINES: Nakamura Seigorô. LESSER KNOWN ACTORS: Nakamura Gan'emon, Nakamura Iwazô, Nakamura Karumo, Nakamura Komashichi, Nakamura Ômachi and Nakamura Ôsai. LESSER KNOWN PLAYWRIGHTS: Nakamura Kawashichi. PROGRAMS: July 2023 (Minamiza, details for the Kabukiza, the Shinbashi Enbujô and the Asakusa Kôkaidô programs, a new flyer for the Kabukiza, the Shôchikuza, the Shinbashi Enbujô and the Asakusa Kôkaidô), August 2023 (Kabukiza, National Theatre, National Bunraku Theatre, Rai BoC Hall), September 2023 (more details and a new flyer for the Minamiza) and October 2023 (Misonoza, Succession Announcement Tour). OTHERS: 1 new link; 6 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 5 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the pages on the Iwai Kiyotarô and Sanogawa Ichimatsu lines of actors has been reworked; new illustrations for Iwai Kiyotarô III, Iwai Kiyotarô IV, Nakamura Jûsuke IV and Sanogawa Ichimatsu I; the pages on the actors Kataoka Ichizô I, Kataoka Nizaemon I, Nakamura Shingorô I, Nakamura Tomosa I, Nakayama Bungorô I, Nakayama Yoshio I, Sanogawa Ichimatsu I and Sanogawa Jûkichi I have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); a temporary page for the drama "Soga Nakamura Aki no Torikomi" (without any global summary); a new page dedicated to actors' haimyô; 5 new guilds in the guilds list (Kobeniya, Kyôya, Shinman'ya, Takedaya, Yoshiya); hannin, hikyaku, koina-hanbêmono, onna hinin and yarô yôkyû have been added to the glossary. |
31 May 2023 |
PROGRAMS: June 2023 (details for the Kabukiza and National Theatre programs, a new flyer for the Kabukiza, the National Theatre and the Eastern Provinces Tour), July 2023 (Shôchikuza, Eastern Provinces Tour), August 2023 (Kabukiza, Western Provinces Tour, Kintetsu Art Kan, a new flyer and the casting for the Minamiza, a new flyer and details for the National Theatre) and September 2023 (Hakataza, Western Provinces Tour, Eirakukan, Minamiza). OTHERS: 1 new link; 2 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 20 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the page on the Narumi Goroshirô line of actors has been reworked; a new illustration for the actor Arashi Hinasuke II; the pages on the actors Nakamura Kaisha, Narumi Goroshirô I, Osagawa Jûemon, Ôtani Tokuji I, Sagawa Imagorô, Sakurayama Shôzaemon I, Tamagawa Genzaburô, Tamazawa Saijirô I, Uemura Kichiya I and Ukon Genzaemon have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); 2 new guilds in the guilds list (Sugataya, Yoneya); onibôzu seikichi, ryôgaeya, shoke, umebori yoshibê and umeshibu kichibê have been added to the glossary. |
30 April 2023 |
PLAYS: "Kusemai", "Ôuchi Tenpen", "Yoshida Shatô" and "Yukie Goroshi". CONTEMPORARY ACTORS: Onoe Maholo. PROGRAMS: May 2023 (a new flyer of the Kabukiza, details for the Nihonbashi Kôkaidô), June 2023 (Kabukiza, Hakataza), July 2023 (Kabukiza, National Theatre) and August 2023 (Minamiza). OTHERS: 12 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 7 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; new illustrations for the actors Ogino Izaburô I and Segawa Kikunojô I; the pages on the actors Matsushima Hyôtarô, Mihogi Shichitarô, Nakagawa Kinnojô, Nakamura Gentarô, Ogino Sawanojô, Onoe Kumesuke, Tamazawa Kôjûrô and Tomizawa Tatsujûrô have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); ashikaga yoshikazu, ashikaga yoshimochi, daigo tennô, fujiwara tokihira, iwai-maku, kusemai, naishi, ono takamura, sangi takamura, tenpen, torisashi and yôkyû have been added to the glossary. |
31 March 2023 |
PLAYS: "Miura no Ôsuke Kôbai Tazuna", "Sanjikkoku Yofune no Hajimari" and "Yura no Minato Sengen Chôja". PROGRAMS: April 2023 (program details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza and the Meijiza, a new flyer for the Misonoza, a flyer for IHI Stage Around Theater, NHK Ôsaka Hall), May 2023 (Kabukiza, program details and a new flyer for the Minamiza, a new flyer for the Meijiza, program details and a new flyer for the Heisei Nakamuraza), June 2023 (National Theatre) and July 2023 (Eastern Provinces Tour, Shôchikuza, Shinbashi Enbujô, Asakusa Kôkaidô). OTHERS: 1 new link; 7 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 17 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the pages on the Arashi Izaburô, Arashi Shinpei, Bandô Sanpachi, Bandô Shûka and Ichikawa Omezô lines of actors has been reworked; new illustrations for the actor Ichikawa Danjûrô VI, Ichikawa Yaozô III, Sawamura Sôjûrô III, Segawa Kikunojô III and Segawa Tomisaburô II; a new illustration page for the actor Matsushima Moheiji; the pages on the actors Mihara Jûdayû I, Mihogi Gizaemon I and Mimasuya Sukejûrô I have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); a temporary page for the drama "Keisei Sanbon Karakasa" (without any global summary); 7 new guilds in the guilds list (Hamamuraya, Koizumiya, Naritaya, Otowaya, Sakaiya, Takinoya, Yamatoya); chichibu shôji shigetada, chisui kôji, chôzubachi, ge'nin, hatakeyama shigetada, hatakeyama shôji, hatakeyama shôji shigetada, hikidôgu, ishibashiyama no tatakai, izu, kawamura zuiken, kinugasa-jô, matano gorô, matano gorô kagehisa, matano kagehisa, miura ôsuke, miura ôsuke yoshiaki, miura yoshiaki, miura-shi, ôba kagechika, ôba saburô, ôba saburô kagechika, sanbon karakasa, sanjikkokubune, somemonoya, terakoya, yodo-han, yodo-jô and zushû have been added to the glossary. |
28 February 2023 |
ACTORS: Ikushima Daikichi I and Takenaka Heikichi. PLAYS: "Arakawa no Sakichi" and "Jirokichi Zange". ACTORS LINES: Ikushima Daikichi and Yamashina Jinkichi. PROGRAMS: March 2023 (new flyers and details for the Kabukiza, Minamiza and National Theatre programs, a flyer for the Shungyô Tour), April 2023 (Kabukiza, Makuhari Messe), May 2023 (casting and a new flyer for the Meijiza programs) and June 2023 (Kabuki Tour in the Eastern Provinces, Asakusa Kôkaidô). OTHERS: 3 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; 8 new roles in the bilingual list of roles; the page on the Nakamura Shikaku line of actors has been reworked; two new guilds in the guilds list (Azumaya, Taiya); aimasa, akiba jinja, chômeiji, dejaya, demae-mochi, heyagashira, ichigaya, ichigaya kameoka hachimangû, ido, kengyô, kôtô, kuri, môkan, mômoku, ninjômono, oyabun, sagamiya masagorô, seisai, sujigaki, tôdôza and yamauchi masajirô have been added to the glossary. |
31 January 2023 |
ACTORS: Namie Karumo and Namie Kokan I. PLAYWRIGHTS LINES: Namiki Senryû. LESSER KNOWN PLAYWRIGHTS: Namiki Iwazô and Namiki Shinzô. PROGRAMS: January 2023 (Zenshinza Tour), February 2023 (Zenshinza Tour, details and a new flyer for the Kabukiza programs), March 2023 (Kabukiza, National Theatre, IHI Stage Around Theater, Zenshinza Tour), April 2023 (IHI Stage Around Theater, Misonoza, a new flyer for the Meijiza) and May 2023 (Meijiza, Heisei Nakamuraza, National Theatre, Minamiza, Nihonbashi Kôkaidô). OTHERS: 2 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; one new illustration for the actor Ichikawa Yaozô II; the pages on the actors Kaneko Rokuemon, Kirinoya Tôkurô and Kokan Tarôji I have been reworked (past tense, day of passing away in western calendar and added data/illustrations for some of them); yakusha ôkagami gassai has been added to the glossary. |
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