Play title Kokusen'ya Takenuki Gorô  In Japanese
Common title Oshimodoshi  In Japanese
Authors ??? (1727)
Oka Onitarô (1934)

The first version of "Oshimodoshi" was staged in the 3rd lunar month of 1727 at the Nakamuraza, within the drama "Kokusen'ya Takenuki Gorô" and with Ichikawa Danjûrô II in the leading role of Takenuki Gorô the demon-queller. Kokusen'ya in the title was related to Chikamatsu Monzaemon's masterpiece "Kokusen'ya Gassen" in which the role of Watônai was performed in the aragoto style with a costum and a makeup similar to the ones in "Kokusen'ya Takenuki Gorô". Oshimodoshi refers to the both the role (a demon-queller) and the play, which was included in 1840 in the Kabuki Jûhachiban collection of plays belonging to the Ichikawa Clan. It was revived by Ichikawa Sanshô V in April 1934 at the Kabukiza. It is nowadays occasionally staged as the grand finale of "Musume Dôjôji", "Futa Omote Dôjôji", "Onna Seigen" or "Onna Narukami".

Key words Aragoto
Kabuki Jûhachiban

The actor Ichikawa Danjûrô IX playing the role of Aotake Gorô in the drama "Oshimodoshi" in a print made by Torii Kiyosada

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