31 December 2008

2008 in figures:

  • 500 actors pages
  • 270 summaries
  • 980 entries in the Kabuki plays list
  • 175 actors lines
  • I would like to thank very much all the people who helped me building this site. Happy new year to all!

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Tsuruya Nanboku II.

    CONTEMPORARY ACTORS: Ichimura Takematsu.

    PLAYS: "Gonza to Sukejû" and "Shuzenji Monogatari".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Kanjûrô II
    Onoe Fujaku V
    Utagawa Hirosada 1851
    Jitsukawa Enzaburô I Utagawa Hirosada 1848
    Nakamura Komanosuke V Nakai Yoshitaki 1865

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Izaburô, Bandô Shinsui, Fujikawa Kayû, Ichikawa Danshirô, Ichimura Takematsu, Jitsukawa Yûjirô, Kataoka Chôdayû, Kawarasaki Kunitarô, Nakamura Komanosuke, Onoe Fujaku, Sakata Sajûrô and Sawamura Sônosuke.

    THEATERS: Hakataza (Fukuoka).

    PROGRAMS: January 2009 (details for the Kabukiza, Shôchikuza and National Theatre programs, Zenshinza Gekijô, Minamiza), February 2009 (Kabukiza, Shôchikuza) and March 2009 (Shinbashi Enbujô, National Theatre).

    OTHERS: 3 new links; 14 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; hitsuji, i, iemoto, inu, jûnishi, kamigata-mai, mi, ne, ôoka seidan, sanju kinen, saru, tatsu, tora, u, uma and ushi are added to the glossary.

    30 November 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Kataoka Gatô II and Sakata Hangorô IV.

    PLAYS: "Nigatsudô" and "Sengi".


    Actor Print master
    Jitsukawa Gakujûrô II
    Jitsukawa Shachizô
    Nakai Yoshitaki 1866
    Ogino Senjo Nakai Yoshitaki 1866
    Sakata Hangorô IV Utagawa Kuniyasu 1825
    Seki Sanjûrô II Utagawa Kuniyasu 1825

    ACTORS LINES: Bandô Takesaburô, Fujikawa Tomokichi, Ichikawa Shinzô, Jitsukawa Gakujûrô, Kataoka Ainosuke and Nakamura Sen'ya.

    KABUKI ART: Comic Strip.

    PROGRAMS: October 2008 (details for the Misonoza programs - a little bit too late!), November 2008 (details for the Shôchiku Grand Kabuki Tour), December 2008 (details for the Kabukiza and National Theatre programs, Nakamura Kantarô/Nakamura Shichinosuke Special Tour) and January 2009 (Kabukiza, National Theatre, Shôchikuza, Asakusa Kôkaidô, Shinbashi Enbujô).

    OTHERS: 4 new links; 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; bunka kôrôsha, nigatsudô, nirami no mie, rôben and tôdaiji are added to the glossary; the star Nakamura Utaemon III is referenced as Nakamura Tamasuke in our database; a big mistake regarding the shûmei of Segawa Senjo and Segawa Rokô IV in the 11th lunar month of 1807 (not 1805 as it was previously written - many thanks to the webmaster of Kunisada.de, who was kind to report this error) is corrected.

    30 October 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Kirinoya Gonjûrô I and Tsutsui Kichijûrô I.

    PLAYS: "Okoma Saiza" and "Takenoko Hori".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Sanpachi I
    Sakata Kumajûrô
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1799

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Hinasuke.

    PROGRAMS: October 2008 (details for the Kabukiza and National Theatre programs), November 2008 (details for the National Theatre and Shinbashi Enbujô programs) and December 2008 (Kabukiza).

    OTHERS: 1 new link; cleaning of the dead links (thanks to Alan!); 14 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; naka-no-jô-jô is added to the glossary.

    27 September 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Kasaya Matakurô I.

    CONTEMPORARY ACTORS: Nakamura Kazutarô and Nakamura Tanetarô.

    PLAYS: "Shin Usuyuki Monogatari".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Hinasuke I Katsukawa Shunshô 1780
    Arashi Hinasuke III Utagawa Kunisada 1813

    ACTORS LINES: Fujikawa Buzaemon and Fujikawa Hachizô.

    KABUKI ART: Alexander Iacovlev's Prints.

    DERIVATIVES: St Kitts Stamps.

    PROGRAMS: November 2008 (Yachiyoza, Shimonoseki Shimin Kaikan) and December 2008 (Minamiza, National Theatre).

    OTHERS: 1 new link; 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; honmyô and junkanbu shôshin are added to the glossary.

    09 September 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Tamiya Shirogorô.

    CONTEMPORARY ACTORS: Bandô Minosuke and Nakamura Baishi.

    PLAYS: "Badarai no Mitsuhide" and "Kikujidô".


    Actor Print master
    Bandô Hikosaburô V Utagawa Toyokuni 1861
    Ichikawa Raizô V
    Kataoka Nizaemon VIII
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1861

    KABUKI ART: Matsumoto Kôshirô (Edo dolls series 6).

    DERIVATIVES: Kabuki Needlepoint.

    PROGRAMS: October 2008 (NHK Hall) and November 2008 (Kabukiza, Shinbashi Enbujô, Heisei Nakamuraza).

    OTHERS: 7 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; badarai, jidô, hatsubutai and omemie are added to the glossary.

    31 August 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Arashi Otohachi I.

    PLAYS: "Yabase no Ura/Kojô".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Otohachi III Utagawa Kunisada 1852

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Otohachi.

    STROLLING AROUND: Kodomo Shibai.

    PROGRAMS: November 2008 (National Theatre, Shôchiku Grand Kabuki Tour).

    OTHERS: 1 new link; 1 new entry in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; chikubushima and yabase no ura are added to the glossary.

    24 August 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Anegawa Kikuhachi.

    PLAYS: "Ôtsu Yadoya/Sasabiki".


    Actor Print master
    Anegawa Minato II Suifutei 1782
    Arashi San'emon VI Suifutei 1782

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Koroku and Arashi San'emon.

    PROGRAMS: September 2008 (details for the Shinbashi Enbujô programs) and October 2008 (Shôchiku Grand Kabuki Tour).

    OTHERS: 1 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; creation of a Actors Names Dictionary.

    16 August 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Arashi Otohachi II, Fujikawa Hachizô III, Ogino Yaegiri II and Yamashita Yaozô I.

    PLAYS: "Shûjaku Jishi".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Otohachi I Katsukawa Shunshô 1768
    Fujikawa Hachizô II Suifutei 1782
    Ogino Yaegiri I Torii Kiyomasu 1730s
    Yamashita Yaozô I Suifutei 1782

    KABUKI ART: Ichikawa Sadanji (Edo dolls series 5).

    DERIVATIVES: Sharaku Stamps.

    PROGRAMS: September 2008 (details for the Kabukiza programs) and October 2008 (Kabukiza, Heisei Nakamuraza).

    OTHERS: 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; kanoko mochi is added to the glossary.

    28 July 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Arashi Shichigorô III, Haruyama Genshichi II and Imamura Shichisaburô II.

    PLAYS: "Higaki" and "Sannin Katawa".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Sangorô II Suifutei 1782
    Bandô Kakitsu I
    Onoe Eijirô
    Utagawa Kunimasa 1888
    Bandô Kamezô I Utagawa Toyokuni 1857
    Ichikawa Gonjûrô
    Iwai Shijaku IV
    Yôshû Chikanobu 1882
    Nakayama Bunshichi I Suifutei 1782

    ACTORS LINES: Arashi Kichisaburô, Arashi Sangorô, Arashi Shagan, Arashi Shichigorô, Nakayama Bunshichi, Nakayama Kiraku and Nakayama Shinkurô.

    THEATERS: Heisei Nakamuraza.

    PROGRAMS: August 2008 (details for the Kabukiza and Shôchikuza programs), September 2008 (Kabukiza, Shinbashi Enbujô, Mitsukoshi Gekijô, Chûkyô Daigaku Bunka Shimin Kaikan) and October 2008 (Misonoza, National Theatre, Zenshinza Gekijô, Asakusa Kôkaidô).

    OTHERS: 3 new links; 5 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; kiri kyôgen, omodaka jûshu, ono no komachi, saruguma, santo yakusha omokage zukushi, suifutei gigafu and yakusha mono iwai are added to the glossary; the very beginning of the Kabuki Visual Encyclopedia.

    30 June 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Asao Yoroku II, Ikushima Hanroku, Sôryô Jinroku II and Uemura Rokusaburô.

    PLAYS: "Hanami".


    Actor Print master
    Asao Yoroku II Utagawa Kunisada 1857
    Sôryô Jinroku II Utagawa Kunisada

    ACTORS LINES: Asao Yoroku and Sôryô Jinroku.

    PROGRAMS: July 2008 (Nissay Theatre, details for the Kabukiza and Shôchikuza programs), August 2008 (Eirakukan, Theatre Ginza) and September 2008 (Tour in the western provinces, Akasaka Act Theater).

    OTHERS: 3 new links; 3 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list.

    18 June 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Arashi Koroku V and Asao Yoroku I.

    PLAYS: "Dango Uri" and "Goto Sanba".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Koroku V Utagawa Toyokuni 1858
    Asao Yoroku I Hasegawa Sadanobu 1849

    PROGRAMS: August 2008 (Kabukiza, National Theatre, National Bunraku Theatre).

    OTHERS: 2 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; dango and tonbo are added to the glossary.

    30 May 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Asao Motogorô I and Arashi Shichigorô II.

    PLAYS: "Koma".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Ryûzô II Tôshûsai Sharaku 1794
    Asao Daikichi I Nakai Yoshitaki 1861

    OTHERS: 1 new link; 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; karô nyôbô is added to the glossary.

    25 May 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Ichiyama Sukegorô I, Hayakawa Dengorô, Mikuni Fujigorô, Mimasu Daigorô II and Sakata Hangorô II.

    PLAYS: "Oguri".


    Actor Print master
    Sakata Hangorô II Ippitsusai Bunchô

    ACTORS LINES: Mimasu Daigorô, Mimasu Gennosuke, Mimasu Inemaru, Mimasu Tanin and Mimasu Tokujirô.

    PROGRAMS: May 2008 (details for the Shinbashi Enbujô programs), June 2008 (details for the Kabukiza and Hakataza programs) and July 2008 (Kabukiza, Shôchikuza, Shinshû Matsumoto Ôkabuki, Tours in the eastern provinces and Central Provinces, Hieizan Takigi Kabuki).

    OTHERS: 16 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; shinano, shinshû and sûpâ kabuki are added to the glossary.

    28 April 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Anegawa Shinshirô III and Yamashita Matashirô I.

    PLAYS: "Emiji Yakata" and "Kusazuribiki".


    Actor Print master
    Ichimura Kamezô I
    Osagawa Tsuneyo I
    Torii Kiyomasu 1750s

    ACTORS LINES: Anegawa Minato, Arashi Shinpei, Nakamura Kyôjûrô and Nakayama Raisuke.

    KABUKI ART: Rice Paper Art.

    DERIVATIVES: Game facepaint.

    CARICATURES: Arashi Shinpei / Yamamura Giemon.

    PROGRAMS: April 2008 (Kumamoto Castle), May 2008 (details for the Kabukiza programs) and June 2008 (Kabukiza).

    OTHERS: 2 new links; 6 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; the actor Arashi San'emon III is referenced as Arashi Shinpei I in our database.

    31 March 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Fujikawa Hanzaburô III.

    PLAYS: "Komatsubara".


    Actors Print master
    Bandô Hikosaburô III
    Bandô Minosuke I
    Utagawa Toyokuni 1798

    PROGRAMS: April 2008 (details for the Kabukiza and Misonoza programs) and June 2008 (Hakataza, National Theatre, Theatre Cocoon, Chûnichi Theatre, Educational Kabuki Tour in Kansai).

    25 March 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Otowa Jirosaburô I, Sakurayama Shirosaburô I and Tamiya Jûzaburô I.

    PLAYS: "Shibaroku Sumika" and "Sugi Sakaya".


    Actor Print master
    Sawamura Kunitarô III Nakai Yoshitaki 1866

    ACTORS LINES: Tamiya Jûzaburô.

    DERIVATIVES: Kabuki Restaurant.

    PROGRAMS: May 2008 (Kabukiza).

    OTHERS: 2 new links; 10 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; two new pages, one dedicated to the kuraizuke ranking system and the other to Kabuki on youtube.com.

    29 February 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Sawamura Genjirô.

    PLAYS: "Ninin Dôjôji".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Shagan V
    Mimasu Gennosuke III
    Nakai Yoshitaki 1861

    KABUKI ART: Acrylic Kabuki.

    DERIVATIVES: Guinea Stamp.

    PROGRAMS: May 2008 (Shinbashi Enbujô, Shôchikuza, Wahha Kamigata Engei Hall).

    OTHERS: 6 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list.

    22 February 2008

    ACTORS: biographies of the actors Mimasu Tokujirô I and Ôtani Tokuji I.

    PLAYS: "Koi no Odamaki" and "Tenshu Monogatari".


    Actor Print master
    Mimasu Tokujirô I Katuskawa Shunkô 1784~1786
    Ôtani Tokuji I Tôshûsai Sharaku 1794

    KABUKI ART: Maquette Workshop - Kabuki Actor.

    DERIVATIVES: Kanamaruza Stamp.

    PROGRAMS: March 2008 (details for the Kabukiza programs, Uchisaiwai Hall) and April 2008 (Kabukiza, Minamiza).

    OTHERS: 10 new links; 5 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; furu jinja, himejijô, jakushû, odamaki and wakasa are added to the glossary; the history of the Kanamaruza from October 1999 to April 2008; a new section dedicated to Kabuki Art.

    31 January 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Kokan Tarôji I.

    PLAYS: "Niwaka Jishi".


    Actor Print master
    Arashi Tokusaburô IV
    Mimasu Daigorô V
    Nakai Yoshitaki 1866

    THEATERS: Kanamaruza.

    DERIVATIVES: Ichikawa Ennosuke (Edo dolls series 4).

    PROGRAMS: February 2008 (details for the Kabukiza programs) and April 2008 (Misonoza, Kanamaruza, Shôchikuza, Hakataza).

    OTHERS: 3 new links; 5 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; Sawamura Sôjûrô I and Sawamura Sôjûrô V are referenced as Suketakaya Takasuke I and Suketakaya Takasuke III in our database.

    14 January 2008

    ACTORS: biography of the actor Tomizawa Montarô I.

    PLAYS: "Gonichi no Iwafuji" and "Tobae".


    Actor Print master
    Ichikawa Yaozô III Katsukawa Shunkô 1800s

    DERIVATIVES: Bandô Mitsugorô (Edo dolls series 3).

    PROGRAMS: March 2008 (Kabukiza).

    OTHERS: 4 new entries in the Japanese-English Kabuki plays list; kiju kinen and tobae are added to the glossary.

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