Nakamura Denkurô I | |
The actor Nakamura Denkurô I held this name from the 1st lunar month of 1684 to the 10th lunar month of 1713. | |
Nakamura Denkurô I portraying Kobayashi no Asahina in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863) |
Nakamura Denkurô 1.2 | |
Nakamura Kanzaburô V held the name of Nakamura Denkurô but he was never acknowledged as an official member of the line. |
Nakamura Denkurô 1.3 | |
The zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô VI held the name of Nakamura Denkurô for a few months in 1751 but he was never acknowledged as an official member of the line. |
Nakamura Denkurô II | |
The zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô VIII held the name of Nakamura Denkurô II from the 11th lunar month of 1745 to the 8th lunar month of 1775. |
Nakamura Denkurô III | |
The zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô XI held the name of Nakamura Denkurô III from the 6th lunar month of 1777 to the 4th lunar month of 1787. |
Nakamura Denkurô IV | |
The actor Nakamura Denkurô IV held this name from the 1st lunar month of 1793 to the 8th lunar month of 1799. |
Nakamura Denkurô IV in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863) |
Nakamura Denkurô V | |
The zamoto Nakamura Kanzaburô XII held the name of Nakamura Denkurô V from the 11th lunar month of 1814 to the 8th lunar month of 1830. |
Nakamura Denkurô V in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863) |
Nakamura Denkurô VI | |
The actor Nakamura Denkurô VI held this name from May 1919 to July 1923. | |
Nakamura Denkurô VI playing the role of Tsurugisawa Danjô in the drama "Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie" |
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