Bandô Yagorô I
Bandô Yagorô I  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Most likely a disciple of Morita Kan'ya XIII. He was not recorded in the latest edition (2012) of "Kabuki Haiyû Meiseki Benran" or in Nojima Jusaburô's book "Kabuki Jinmei Jiten" but we've found in the Shôchiku Ôtani Library Pre-WWII Shibai Banzuke Database records of performances in the 1930s and the beginning of the 1940s.

Bandô Yagorô II
Bandô Yagorô II  In Japanese | Sawamura Sôgorô II  In Japanese | Sawamura Gengorô  In Japanese | Bandô Yajibê  In Japanese | Bandô Takizô  In Japanese | Bandô Katô [3]  In Japanese

Born in Tôkyô the 30th of October 1909 in Honjo. He started his career in 1918 as a disciple of Bandô Yatarô II (a disciple of Ichimura Uzaemon XV), who gave him the name of Bandô Katô [3] in 1920. He became a disciple of Morita Kan'ya XIII and received the name of Bandô Takizô in January 1928. He became nadai and took the name of Bandô Yajibê in April 1942 at the Tôkyô Gekijô. He became a disciple of Sawamura Sôjûrô VII in 1943 and received the name of Sawamura Gengorô. He took the name of Sawamura Sôgorô II in September 1953 at the Kabukiza [1], playing the role of Ichisuke in the drama "Kiwametsuki Banzui Chôbê". He finally became a disciple of Morita Kan'ya XIV and took the name of Bandô Yagorô II in January 1961 at the Kabukiza [2], playing the roles of Ishihara Shingo, the tedai Sahei, the wakatô Tomohei and the taiko mochi Sakuragawa Ryûhei in the dramas "Kinkakuji", "Shiranami Gonin Otoko", "Keya-mura" and "Yoshiwara Gitsune". He appeared on stage for the last time in October 1993, in Tôkyô at the Kabukiza, where he played the role of the yanushi Jinpachi in the drama "Bunshichi Mottoi". He died the 8th of February 1999. This important supporting actor served three generations of masters: Morita Kan'ya XIII, his adopted son Morita Kan'ya XIV and finally Bandô Tamasaburô V. He was outstanding in bantô or tedai roles in sewamono dramas, like the bantô Chôkurô in "Hôkaibô" or Tôhachi in "Kirare Yosa".

Yagô Honmyô
Yamatoya Tateoka Akira

Bandô Yagorô II playing the role of Tôhachi in the drama "Kirare Yosa"



[1] It was also the shûmei of Sawamura Monnosuke IV.

[2] It was also the shûmei of Bandô Tamon III.

[3] Bandô Katô or Bandô Yatô? Both reading are possible.

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