Tamagawa Sennojô I

The actor Tamagawa Sennojô I held this name from the end of the 1630s to the end of the 1660s.

Tamagawa Sennojô I in 1662

Tamagawa Sennojô II
Tamagawa Sennojô II  In Japanese

Date of birth unknown. Disciple of Tamagawa Sennojô I, he took the name of Tamagawa Sennojô II at an unknown time. His recorded performances occurred in Edo in 1670 and 1671. This wakaonnagata actor died the 14th of the 5th lunar month of 1671 while performing at the Kawarasakiza.

Tamagawa Sennojô III

The actor Tamagawa Sennojô III held this name from the end of the 1670s to the beginning of the 1690s.

Tamagawa Sennojô III in an ilustration from the book "Hana no Edo Kabuki Nendaiki"

Tamagawa Sennojô IV

The actor Tamagawa Sennojô IV held this name from 1692 to the middle of the 1720s.

Tamagawa Sennojô IV

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