The actor Bandô Hikosaburô IV playing the role of Orikoshi Tairyô Masatomo in the drama "Higashiyama Sakura Sôshi", staged in the 8th lunar month of 1851 at the Nakamuraza

The actors Bandô Kamezô I and Bandô Hikosaburô V portraying Hidari Jingorô and the spirit of the doll in the dance-drama "Chôkoku Hidari Kogatana" in a mitate-e print made in 1861 by Utagawa Kunikazu

The actors Bandô Hikosaburô III, Bandô Hikosaburô IV and Bandô Hikosaburô V playing the roles of Oda Harunaga, Takechi Mitsuhide and Konoshita Tôkichi in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863)

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