Morita Kanjirô I

The zamoto Morita Kan'ya VII held the name of Morita Kanjirô I from the 11th lunar month of 1753 to 1765.

Morita Kanjirô II

The actor Bandô Mitsugorô III held the name of Morita Kanjirô II from the 9th lunar month of 1783 to the 10th lunar month of 1793.

The name of Morita Kanjirô II in a 1784 Edo hyôbanki (within the red shape); all the names are the zamoto at the Nakamuraza, Moritaza and Kiriza

Morita Kanjirô III

The zamoto Morita Kan'ya XII held the name of Morita Kanjirô III from the 12th lunar month of 1863 to the 10th lunar month of 1864.

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