Kagaya Hashinosuke I
Kagaya Hashinosuke I  In Japanese | Nakamura Hashinosuke I  In Japanese

Son of the stage giant Nakamura Utaemon III, his name was Kagaya Hashinosuke I. He was also called Nakamura Hashinosuke I. He performed a little bit when he was a child but he was so often on sick leave that he had to leave the Kabuki world to become an apothecary around 1817. He died the 19th of the 10th lunar month of 1832 [1]. He was the father-in-law of Nakamura Shikan III and the grandfather of both Nakamura Tamashichi I and Nakamura Tsurusuke V.

Kagaya Hashinosuke II

The actor Nakamura Kaishun II held the name of Kagaya Hashinosuke II from January 1956 to March 1967.



[1] The 19th of the 10th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Tenpô era was the 11th of November 1832 in the western calendar.

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