Nakamura Koichi I

The sakusha Nakamura Jūsuke I never officially held the name of Nakamura Koichi I but he was considered as the founder of this line.

Nakamura Koichi II

The sakusha Nakamura Jūsuke II never officially held the name of Nakamura Koichi II but he was considered as the second playwright of this line.

Nakamura Koichi III

The sakusha Nakamura Jūsuke III never officially held the name of Nakamura Koichi III but he was considered as the third playwright of this line.

Nakamura Koichi IV

The sakusha Nakamura Jūsuke IV never officially held the name of Nakamura Koichi IV but he was considered as the fourth playwright of this line.

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