The actors Nakajima Saburoshirô (left), Matsumoto Kôshirô I (center) and Sodesaki Miwano I (right) playing the roles of Taira no Tokikuni, Ôe no Saemon and Kiku-no-Mae in the kaomise drama "Tategami Teika Kazura", which was staged at the Ichimuraza in the 11th lunar month of 1719 |
The actors Nakamura Kichibê I (top/left), Yamanaka Heikurô I (top/right), Matsumoto Kôshirô I (bottom/left) and Matsumoto Shichizô I (bottom/right) playing the roles of Genjibê, Akamatsu Danjôzaemon, Watanabe Minbu Hayatomo and Waranbe in the kaomise drama "Kodakara Imagawajô", which was staged at the Ichimuraza in the 11th lunar month of 1720 |
The actors Matsumoto Kôshirô I (top/left), Miyakawa Hachirôzaemon (top/right), Yamanaka Heikurô I (bottom/left) and Ichimura Katsura (bottom/right) playing the roles of Niô no Saburô, Uesugi Sagami-no-Kami, Akamatsu Danjôzaemon and Monaka-no-Mae in the kaomise drama "Kichirei Imagawajô", which was staged at the Ichimuraza in the 11th lunar month of 1721 |
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