Kawatake Shinshichi I

The sakusha Kawatake Shinshichi I held this name from the 1760s to the 3rd lunar month of 1795.

The name of Kawatake Shinshichi I in the 1779 Edo hyôbanki (the zone within the red box)

Kawatake Shinshichi II

The sakusha Kawatake Mokuami held the name of Kawatake Shinshichi II from the 11th lunar month of 1843 to October 1881.

Kawatake Shinshichi II in a print made by Toyohara Kunichika

Kawatake Shinshichi III

The sakusha Kawatake Shinshichi III held this name from April 1884 to January 1901.

Kawatake Shinshichi III in December 1884 in a print made by Toyohara Kunichika

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