Sawamura Kunitarô I
  The actor Sawamura Kunitarô I held this name from the 1740s to the 7th lunar month of 1818.

Sawamura Kunitarô I (1799~1801)

Sawamura Kunitarô II

The actor Sawamura Kunitarô II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1819 to 1836.

Sawamura Kunitarô II

Sawamura Kunitarô III

The actor Sawamura Kunitarô III held this name from the 1st lunar month of 1866 to 1890.

Sawamura Kunitarô III playing the role of Osan in the drama "Daikyôji Mukashi Goyomi", which was staged in the 9th lunar month of 1866 in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai (print made by Nakai Yoshitaki)

Sawamura Kunitarô IV
Sawamura Kunitarô IV  In Japanese | Sawamura Kozuchi  In Japanese

Born the 1st of June 1905 in Tôkyô in the district of Asakusa Saruwaka-chô [1]. He was the son of Kawatake Mokuami's disciple Takeshiba Denzô. He started his career in 1914 as a child-actor, performing under the name of Sawamura Kozuchi. His master was Sawamura Sôjûrô VII. He took the name of Sawamura Kunitarô IV in October 1924 at the Imperial Theater and left the koshibai Kabuki world to become a movie actor in 1929 by joining the Makino Eiga company. He joined the Tôkatsu movie company in 1931 and the Nikkatsu in 1932. He died of a stroke the 26th of November 1974. He was the father of the famous movie stars Nagato Hiroyuki and Tsugawa Masahiko. He was also the brother of Katô Daisuke and Sawamura Sadako.

The list of Sawamura Kunitarô's movies (in Japanese)

Yagô Honmyô
Kinokuniya Katô Tomoichi

Sawamura Kunitarô IV playing the role of Kameya Chûbê in the drama "Ninokuchi-mura", which was staged in November 1928 at the Miyatoza



[1] Nowadays Asakusa 6-chôme in the Taitô Ward.

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