Shibazaki Rinzaemon I

The actor Shibazaki Rinzaemon I held this name from 1681 to 1722.

Shibazaki Rinzaemon I playing the role of Ichimaru Sôemon in the kaomise drama "Shôjô Zakaya Mannen-gura", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1719 in Kyôto

Shibazaki Rinzaemon II

The actor Shibazaki Rinzaemon II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1777 to the 1st lunar month of 1798.

Shibazaki Rinzaemon II in an illustration from the book "Santo Yakusha Omokage Zukushi", which was published in Ôsaka by Yamatoya Kaemon in 1784

Shibazaki Rinzaemon III

The actor Asao Kuzaemon II held the name of Shibazaki Rinzaemon III from the 1st lunar month of 1832 to the 7th lunar month of 1832.

Shibazaki Rinzaemon III (left) and Ichikawa Danzô V (right) playing the roles of Ono no Sadakurô and Hayano Kanpei in the drama "Kanadehon Chûshingura", which was staged in the 3rd lunar month of 1832 at the Takeda no Shibai

Shibazaki Rinzaemon IV

The actor Ôtani Ryûzaemon III held the name of Shibazaki Rinzaemon IV from 1870 to the 12th lunar month of 1871.

Shibazaki Rinzaemon IV (first half of the 1870s)

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