Nakamura Sukegorô I

The founder of the line Nakamura Sukegorô I held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1736 to the 10th lunar month of 1737, then from the 11th lunar month of 1739 to the 7th lunar month of 1763.

Nakamura Sukegorô I playing the role of Kurofune Chûemon in the drama "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki" in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863)
Nakamura Sukegorô II
  The actor Nakamura Sukegorô II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1763 to the 10th lunar month of 1803.
Nakamura Sukegorô II playing the role of Matano no Gorô in the drama "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki" in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863)
Nakamura Sukegorô III
Nakamura Sukegorô III  In Japanese | Nakamura Sukeji  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. Adopted son of Nakamura Sukegorô II, he received the name of Nakamura Sukeji and did his training with his father. In the 11th lunar month of 1803, his father retired, taking the name of Nakamura Gyoraku I and giving his previous name to his son, who became Nakamura Sukegorô III at the Nakamuraza. His name stopped to appear in Edo theater playbills around 1806.

Haimyô Yagô
Gyokô Sengokuya
Nakamura Sukegorô III playing the role of Ukiyo Watahei in the drama "Date Kurabe Okuni Kabuki" in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863)
Nakamura Sukegorô IV

The actor Nakamura Genzaemon II held the name of Nakamura Sukegorô IV from April 1976 to February 2005.

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