Matsumoto Tomojûrô I

The actor Matsumoto Tomojûrô I held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1701 to 1745.

The actors Mihogi Gizaemon I (left) and Matsumoto Tomojûrô I (right) performing in the kaomise drama "Ôbashira Kogane no Sazare Ishi", which was produced in the 11th lunar month of 1722 in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû's theater by Segawa Kikunojô I

Matsumoto Tomojûrô II

The actor Matsumoto Tomojûrô II held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1753 to 1777.

Matsumoto Tomojûrô II playing the role of Amako Danjô in the new year drama "Keisei Koinariyama", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1764 in Kyôto at the Kitagawa no Shibai

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