Ichikawa Udanji 0.1

The actor Sawamura Gennosuke III held the name of Ichikawa Udanji from the 5th lunar month of 1815 to the 10th lunar month of 1822 but he was never acknowledged as an official name-holder.

Ichikawa Udanji I

The actor Ichikawa Sai'nyû I held the name of Ichikawa Udanji I from the 8th lunar month of 1862 to December 1908.

Ichikawa Udanji I playing the role of the cook Kisuke in the drama "Ise Ondo Koi no Netaba", which was staged in the 8th lunar month of 1872 at the Kado no Shibai
(print made by Nakai Yoshitaki)

Ichikawa Udanji II

The actor Ichikawa Udanji II held this name from January 1909 to October 1936.

Ichikawa Udanji II

Ichikawa Udanji III

The actor Ichikawa Udanji III is the current holder of the name since January 2017.

The iwai-maku for the January 2017 shûmei of Ichikawa Udanji III and his son Ichikawa Ukon II at the Shinbashi Enbujô

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