Nakamura Umenosuke 0.1

The actor Arashi Kitsusaburô IV held the name of Nakamura Umenosuke between 1856 and 1871. He was never considered as an official holder of the name.

Nakamura Umenosuke (1867)

Nakamura Umenosuke I

The actor Nakamura Kan'emon II held the name of Nakamura Umenosuke I from the beginning of the Meiji era to 1878.

Nakamura Umenosuke 1.2

The actor Nakamura Fukunosuke V held the name of Nakamura Umenosuke from March 1884 to 1889 but he was never considered as an official holder of the name.

Nakamura Umenosuke 1.3
Nakamura Umenosuke  In Japanese | Arashi Umenosuke  In Japanese

Dates of birth and death unknown. The first stage name of this minor Kamigata actor was Arashi Umenosuke. He took the name of Nakamura Umenosuke in 1890 and held up to 1892. No record afterwards.

Nakamura Umenosuke II

The actor Nakamura Nakasuke III held the name of Nakamura Umenosuke II from 1896 to September 1910, then for one month in October 1911.

Nakamura Umenosuke III

The actor Nakamura Kan'emon III held the name of Nakamura Umenosuke III from November 1911 to March 1920.

Nakamura Umenosuke IV

The actor Nakamura Umenosuke IV held this name from March 1939 to January 2016.

Nakamura Umenosuke IV

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