Fujimatsu Sanjûrô I

The actor Mihogi Gizaemon II held the name of Fujimatsu Sanjûrô I from the end of 1759 to the 10th lunar month of 1776.

Fujimatsu Sanjûrô I playing the role of Tôsaku in the kaomise drama "Ôsaka Zaiku Araki no Mokuzô", which was staged in Kyôto at the Minamigawa no Shibai in the 11th lunar month of 1772

Fujimatsu Sanjûrô II

The actor Ichikawa Sukejurô held the name of Fujimatsu Sanjûrô II from the 11th lunar month of 1815 to the 10th lunar month of 1822.

The name, mon and ranking of Fujimatsu Sanjûrô II in the 1820 Ôsaka hyôbanki

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