Nakayama Icchô I

The actor Nakayama Shinkurô I's haimyô was Icchô and, although he never officially held the name of Nakayama Icchô I, he was considered as the founder of this line.

Nakayama Icchô II

The actor Nakayama Shinkurô II's haimyô was Icchô and, although he never officially held the name of Nakayama Icchô II, he was considered as the second actor of this line.

Nakayama Icchô II in an illustration from the book "Yakusha Mono Iwai" (1784)
Copyright © The Trustees of the British Museum

Nakayama Icchô III

The actor Nakayama Kiraku I's haimyô was Icchô and, although he never officially held the name of Nakayama Icchô III, he was considered as the second actor of this line.

Nakayama Icchô IV

The actor Nakayama Shinkurô IV held the name of Nakayama Icchô IV from the 11th lunar month of 1816 to the 12th lunar month of 1825.

Nakayama Icchô IV playing the role of the yakko Shikazô in the drama "Keisei Shina Sadame", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1823 at the Naka no Shibai (print made by Asayama Ashiyuki)

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