Stage names:
Real name: Tanaka Yoshirô Guild: Harimaya Line number: NIDAIME (II) Existence: 5 April 1932 ~ 26 January 2014 Connections: Masters: Nakamura Kichiemon II, Nakamura Kichiemon I, Nakamura Tokizô III Career: 1942: he started his career as a disciple of the star Nakamura Tokizô III. August 1943: he made his first appearance on stage, in Tôkyô at the Kabukiza, where he received the name of Nakamura Chômaru. October 1943: he became disciple of the star Nakamura Kichiemon I, who gave him the name of Nakamura Kichisa III. January 1952: Kichisa became nadai and took the name of Nakamura Mannojô at the Kabukiza, playing in the drama "Matsuura no Taiko". July 1963: revival at the Yomiuri Hall in Tôkyô of Namiki Shôzô I's drama "Kuwanaya Tokuzô Irifune Monogatari"; Mannojô played the roles of the keisei Higaki and the ghost of Higaki [casting]. August 1979: revival at the National Theatre Kawatake Shinshichi II's drama "Kanzen Chôaku Nozoki Garakuri"; Mannojô played the role of Jûbê's wife Osoyo [casting]. Summer 1985: tour in the USA; Mannojô played the role of Nagaura in the drama "Sakurahime Azuma Bunshô", which celebrated the shûmei in the USA of Ichikawa Danjûrô XII [more details]. June 1989: the drama "Kaidan Botan Dôrô" using Ônishi Nobuyuki's script was staged for the first time with a full Kabuki casting, at the Shinbashi Enbujô; Mannojô played the role of Oyone's ghost [casting]. September 1994: Mannojô joined the major league of Kabuki actors (kanbu shôshin) and took the name of Nakamura Kichinojô II at the Kabukiza, playing the role of Okô in the play "Hikimado". November 2005: tôshi kyôgen revival at the National Theatre of the drama "Ehon Taikôki"; Kichinojô played the role of Satsuki [casting]. October 2010: Kichinojô appeared on stage for the last time, in Tôkyô at the National Theatre, playing the role of Minobe's mother in the drama "Shôgun Edo o Saru". 26 January 2014: Kichinojô died. Comments: Nakamura Kichinojô II was a veteran onnagata actor of the
Harimaya guild, outstanding in the roles of old women. |
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Nakamura Kichinojô II portraying Okô in the drama "Hikimado" (illustration courtesy of RANCHUROW (2010) all rights reserved) The Nakamura Kichinojô line of actors |
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