Bandô Daikichi I

The actor Bandô Daikichi I held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1791 to the 4th lunar month of 1843.

Bandô Daikichi I portraying Ichimonjiya Saibê ("Kanadehon Chûshingura") in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III (1862~1863)

Bandô Daikichi II
Bandô Daikichi II  In Japanese | Ichikawa Ichimatsu II  In Japanese

Born the 27th of April 1894. He started his career as a disciple of Ichikawa Ichijûrô III, who gave him the name of Ichikawa Ichimatsu II. He made his debut on stage (hatsubutai) in November 1900 at the Harukiza. Later, he joined Bandô Mitsugorô VII, became nadai and took the name of Bandô Daikichi II in May 1919 at the Ichimuraza. He was mainly an onnagata actor and most likely died at the beginning of the 1930s.

Yagô Honmyô
Yamatoya Maeda Tsunezô

Bandô Daikichi II playing the role of the keisei Sumizome, in reality the spirit of Komachi's cherry tree, in the dance-drama "Seki no To"

Bandô Daikichi III
Bandô Daikichi III  In Japanese | Ichikawa Tsutanosuke II  In Japanese | Ichikawa Nakajirô  In Japanese | Bandô Daimaru  In Japanese

Born the 22nd of February 1896 in Tôkyô in the district of Kanda. He started his career as a disciple of Bandô Mitsugorô VII, who gave him the name of Bandô Daimaru and trained him. He made his debut on stage (hatsubutai) in September 1908 at the Ichimuraza. He became a disciple of Ichikawa Chûsha VII in 1913 and changed his name to Ichikawa Nakajirô. Then, he joined Ichikawa Sadanji II in 1935 and took the name of Ichikawa Tsutanosuke II. He became nadai in 1943 and joined back the Bandô clan and his first master in 1948. He took the name of Bandô Daikichi III in 1951 and was active up to 1963. The day of his death was not recorded.

Yagô Honmyô
Yamatoya Sugiura Takamasa
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