The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Tsuchiya Chikara in the drama "Tsuchiya Chikara", which was staged in March 1926 at the Kabukiza The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Katsugorô's wife Hatsuhana in the drama "Izari no Adauchi", which was staged in September 1928 in Kôbe at the Yachiyoza
The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Princess Minazuru in the drama "Kikubatake", which was staged in December 1928 at the Minamiza The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Kamiya Jihê in the drama "Shigure no Kotatsu", which was staged in December 1935 at the Meijiza
The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Minamoto no Yoshitsune in the dance-drama "Kanjinchô", which was staged in April 1936 at the Shinjuku Daiichi Gekijô The actor Nakamura Senjaku I playing the role of Nan Yohê (later Nanpô Jûjibê) in the drama "Hikimado", which was staged in July 1936 at the Shinjuku Daiichi Gekijô
The actor Nakamura Ganjirô II playing the prestigious role of Kamiya Jihê in the Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Shinjû Ten no Amijima" in a print made by Natori Shunsen in 1952
The actor Nakamura Ganjirô II (left) and Arashi Rikaku V (right) playing the roles of the Aburaya bantô Zenroku and Matsuya Gen'emon in the drama "Shinpan Ukina no Yomiuri" (illustration courtesy of RANCHUROW (2009) all rights reserved)
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