Ôkawa Hashizô I

The actor Ôkawa Hashizô I held this name from the 4th lunar month of 1848 to the 4th lunar month of 1849.

Ôkawa Hashizô I playing the role of Tenjiku Tokubê in the drama "Sangoku Daiichikawa Tsui no Kusemono", which was performed in the 8th lunar month of 1848 at the Kado no Shibai
(print made by Utagawa Hirosada)

Ôkawa Hashizô II

The actor Ôkawa Hashizô II held this name from October 1945 to December 1984.

Ôkawa Hashizô II portraying Asano Takumi-no-Kami

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