Play title Ichiharano no Danmari
Ichiharano Tsuki no Nagame  In Japanese
Author Tokiwazu Komojidayû I (music)

The danmari was staged for the first time in the 12th lunar month of 1822, at the Ichimuraza, under the title "Ichiharano Tsuki no Nagame"; the role of Hirai Yasumasa was played by Onoe Kikugorô III.

Key words Danmari

A danmari is a short scene with almost no dialogue where a number of contrasting characters appear and grope in the dark for some treasure. Their movements are slow and dance-like. In this particular danmari, the medieval thief Hakamadare Yasusuke encounters the great warrior Hirai Yasumasa and they fight in the presence of a beautiful princess.

Source: Earphone Guide website

The actors Nakamura Shikan IV, Ichikawa Danjûrô IX and Onoe Taganojô II playing the roles of Hakamadare Yasusuke, Hirai Yasumasa and Kidômaru in the "Ichiharano no Danmari" section of the drama "Seki Konroku Haru no Komagiku", which was staged in April 1883 at the Shintomiza (print made by Toyohara Kunichika)

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