The actors Seki Sanjûrô III (left print/left), Onoe Kikujirô II (left print/right) and Ichikawa Kodanji IV (right print) playing the roles of Shimaya Bunzô (in reality Bonji no Shingorô), the mekake Osaki and the ikakeya Matsugorô in the drama "Fune-he Uchikomu Hashima no Shiranami" staged within the new year sogamono drama "Fuji to Mimasu Suehiro Soga", which was staged in the 2nd lunar month of 1866 at the Moritaza (print made by Utagawa Yoshiiku)

Illustration from the ehon banzuke for the first act of the drama "Fune-he Uchikomu Hashima no Shiranami", which was staged in the 2nd lunar month of 1866 at the Moritaza

Illustration from the ehon banzuke for the second act of the drama "Fune-he Uchikomu Hashima no Shiranami", which was staged in the 2nd lunar month of 1866 at the Moritaza

Illustration from the ehon banzuke for the third act of the drama "Fune-he Uchikomu Hashima no Shiranami", which was staged in the 2nd lunar month of 1866 at the Moritaza

The actors Ichikawa Sadanji II (left picture) and Bandô Shûchô III (right picture) playing the roles of the ikakeya Matsugorô and the mekake Osaki in the drama "Fune-he Uchikomu Hashima no Shiranami", which was staged in May 1930 at the Meijiza

The actors Ichikawa Ennosuke II and Ichikawa Sadanji II playing the roles of the anma Gentatsu and Ikake Matsu in the drama "Fune-he Uchikomu Hashima no Shiranami", which was staged in May 1930 at the Meijiza

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