The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Princess Yaegaki in the "Kitsunebi" scene of the play "Honchô Nijûshikô" in a print made by Ôta Masamitsu in 1950

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Shinanoya Ohan in the drama "Obiya", which was staged in February 1918 at the Meijiza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Tanbaya Oshun in the drama "Horikawa", which was staged in April 1924 at the Hongôza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Princess Yuki in the drama "Kinkakuji", which was staged in March 1926 at the Nakaza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Kinokuniya Koharu in the drama "Shinjû Ten no Amijima", which was staged in November 1922 at the Shintomiza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Hyôgoya Yatsuhashi in the drama "Kagotsurube", which was staged in March 1919 at the Meijiza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Ôiso no Tora in the drama "Soga no Taimen", which was staged in May 1925 at the Nakaza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Princess Yaegaki in the dance-drama "Kitsunebi", which was staged in December 1922 at the Imperial Theater

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Osono in the drama "Keya-mura", which was staged in April 1924 at the Hongôza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Misao in the drama "Amagasaki Kankyo", which was staged in April 1924 at the Hongôza

The actor Nakamura Jakuemon III playing the role of Michitose in the drama "Honzô Shimoyashiki"

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