Stage name:

Yamashina Jinkichi II In Japanese

Guild: Taiya

Line number: NIDAIME (II)

Poetry name: Teifu

Existence: ???



7th lunar month of 1776: premiere of Iso Isosuke's drama "Yamato Kotoba Suikoden", which was produced at the Kado no Shibai by Ogawa Kichitarô I; Jinkichi played the role of the courtesan Kojorô [casting].

4th lunar month of 1777: premiere of Namiki Gohachi's drama "Tenmangû Natane no Gokû", co-written with Nakamura Akei and Tatsuoka Mansaku, which is staged at the Kado no Shibai; Jinkichi played the roles of Koiso and Princess Kôbai [casting].

1st lunar month of 1778: premiere of Namiki Gohê's drama "Keisei Hakata Ori", which is produced at the Minamigawa no Shibai by Mimasu Jirokichi; Jinkichi plays the role of the courtesan Kojorô [casting | picture and details].

12th lunar month of 1782: premiere in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai of Namiki Gohê's drama "Keisei Kogane no Shachihoko"; Jinkichi played the roles of Princess Ashikaga Kuni and the keisei Ayaginu [more details].


Yamashina Jinkichi II in an illustration from the book "Yakusha Mono Iwai" (1784)
Copyright © The Trustees of the British Museum

The Yamashina Jinkichi line of actors

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