Play title Keisei Hakata Ori  In Japanese
Theater Minamigawa no Shibai
Producer Mimasu Jirôkichi
Playwright Namiki Gohê [1]

The new year ni-no-kawari "Keisei Hakata Ori" was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1778 [2] in Kyôto at Minamigawa no Shibai with the following casting:

Code Actors Roles
1 Asao Tamejûrô I Kezori Kuemon
2 Yamashina Jinkichi II Kojorô
3 Arashi Ihachi Sôshichi
4 Kasaya Matakurô II Kokura Zen'emon
5 Asao Toyozô I Kurusuke
6 Arashi Koroku II Omatsu
7 Anegawa Minato II Onami
8 Nakayama Bunshichi I Shima no Koheiji
9 Nakayama Raisuke I Mukai Rinzaemon

The opening day was the 13th day of the 1st lunar month of the 7th year of the An'ei era, which was the 9th of February 1778 in the western calendar.

[1] Namiki Gohê took the name of Namiki Gohê in the 11th lunar month of 1777 in this theater.

[2] "I worked on this kaomise page in February 2018, 240 years afterwards!" (Shôriya Aragorô)

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