Kanazawa Goheiji I (1st from left), Yamashita Hanzaemon I (2nd from left), Otowa Jirosaburô I (2nd from right) and Sakurayama Shirosaburô I (1st from right) in an illustration from a Kyôto hyôbanki which was published in 1702

The actors Yamashita Kamenojô I (first from left), Mitsuyama Shichisaburô (second from left), Kaneko Jûrozaemon (middle, third from right), Otowa Jirosaburô I (second from right) and a wooden head in a woman short-sleeved kimono (not an actor) playing the roles of Kyô-no-Oren, Fukuchi Senzaburô, the karô Tatsumi Mokunojô and the rônin Miyoshi Sangoemon kaomise drama "Inari Daimyô Shintaku no Kamado", which was staged in Ôsaka in the 11th lunar month of 1712

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