Uba Jôsuke I

The sakusha Tsuruya Nanboku IV never held the name of Uba Jôsuke I but he was considered as the first holder of the name.

Uba Jôsuke II

The sakusha Tsuruya Nanboku V held the name of Uba Jôsuke II from the 11th lunar month of 1832 to 1833.

The name of Uba Jôsuke II in a 1833 Kawarasakiza ehon banzuke (the name within the red box)

Uba Jôsuke III

The sakusha Segawa Jokô III held the name of Uba Jôsuke III from the 11th lunar month of 1843 to 1845.

The name of Uba Jôsuke III in a 1844 Kawarasakiza ehon banzuke (the name within the red box)

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