The actor Onoe Kikugorô VI playing the role of a princess in the "Sôshû Yui-ga-Hama" scene of the dance-drama "Kakuju Senzai", which was staged in November 1928 at the Kabukiza

The actor Ichimura Uzaemon XV playing the role of a male crane in the "Kôshû Tsuru Tôge" scene of the dance-drama "Kakuju Senzai", which was staged in November 1928 at the Kabukiza

The actors Onoe Kikugorô VI and Ichimura Uzaemon XV playing the roles of a princess and a young samurai in the "Sôshû Yui-ga-Hama" scene of the dance-drama "Kakuju Senzai", which was staged in November 1928 at the Kabukiza

The actors Onoe Kikugorô VI and Ichimura Uzaemon XV playing the roles of a female crane and a male crane in the "Kôshû Tsuru Tôge" scene of the dance-drama "Kakuju Senzai", which was staged in November 1928 at the Kabukiza

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