Play title Genji Moyô Ichimai Gushi  In Japanese
Theater Ônishi no Shibai
Producer Yamatoyama Jinzaemon II
Playwrights ???

The kaomise drama "Genji Moyô Ichimai Gushi" was produced in the 11th lunar month of 1722 at the Ônishi no Shibai by Yamatoyama Jinzaemon II. It celebrated the shûmei of the young zamoto Yamatoyama Jinzaemon II.

Code Actors Roles
1 Harada Senzaemon Osaragi Ôkura
2 Bandô Matajûrô I Kumagushi Dôkan
3 Wakaura Kinjûrô Yatsurugi Sadaemon (or Jôemon ?)
4 Matsunoya Heizô Toranojô
5 Sodeshima Genji Okuzaemon's wife Tatsu
6 Sugiyama Kanzaemon III The karô Ikumozaki Okuzaemon
7 Sanogawa Ôno Ariwara
8 Nakatsuru Sagenta Princess Yakumo
9 Morita Kosaburô Ashikaga Iwaminosuke
10 Ôtori Michiemon Tetsuemon
11 Osagawa Jûemon Ishidô Sukeemon
12 Toyomatsu Manzaburô Kochô
13 Yamatoyama Jinzaemon II Wankyû
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