Nakamura Kichiemon II (top/left) and Ichimura Uzaemon XVII (bottom/right) playing the roles of Saitô Bettô Sanemori and Senoo Jûrô Kaneuji in the drama "Sanemori Monogatari" (illustration courtesy of RANCHUROW (2010) all rights reserved)

Nakamura Tomijûrô V (bottom/left) and Nakamura Kichiemon II (top/right) playing the roles of Heisaku and Jûbê in the drama "Numazu" (illustration courtesy of RANCHUROW (2010) all rights reserved)

Nakamura Kichiemon II (right) and Nakamura Tomijûrô V (left) playing the roles of Kôchiyama Sôshun and Lord Matsue in the drama "Kôchiyama" (illustration courtesy of RANCHUROW (2010) all rights reserved)

Nakamura Kichiemon II playing the role of Lord Matsuura in the drama "Matsuura no Taiko" (illustration courtesy of RANCHUROW (2010) all rights reserved)

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