The actor Onoe Eizaburô III playing the role of Sakuraya no Oyae in the drama "Sugawara Mitate Yuki Yushima", commonly called "Yushima no Yukimi", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1839 (print made by Utagawa Kunisada I)

The actor Onoe Baikô IV playing the role of Ono no Komachi in the drama "Tsumoru Koi Yuki no Seki no To", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1850 in Edo at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III)

This print is the left component of a triptych (the central and right prints are available)

The actor Onoe Baikô IV playing the role of Otowaya Oume in the drama "Date Kurabe Uwasa no Sayaate", which was staged in 1st lunar month of 1851 at the Kawarasakiza (print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III)

The actor Onoe Kikugorô IV playing the role of a courtesan in a print made by Utagawa Toyokuni III in the 9th lunar month of 1859

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