Arashi Kitsusaburô I

The actor Arashi Kitsusaburô I held this name from the 1st lunar month of 1821 to the 9th lunar month of 1821.

Arashi Kitsusaburô I playing the role of Sasaki Moritsuna in print made by Hokushû in the 3rd lunar month of 1821
Arashi Kitsusaburô II

The actor Arashi Rikan II held the name of Arashi Kitsusaburô II from the 9th lunar month of 1822 to the 7th lunar month of 1828.

Arashi Kitsusaburô II in front of his backstage mirror in print made by Asayama Shibakuni in the 9th lunar month of 1822
Arashi Kitsusaburô III

The actor Arashi Kichisaburô III never held officially the name of Arashi Kitsusaburô III on stage but he is considered as the third member of the line.

Arashi Kitsusaburô IV

The actor Arashi Kitsusaburô IV held this name from the 4th lunar month of 1871 to April 1915.

Arashi Kitsusaburô IV playing the role of Senzaki Yagorô in the drama "Kanadehon Chûshingura" in print made by Yoshitaki in 1872
Arashi Kitsusaburô V
Arashi Kitsusaburô V  In Japanese | Onoe Kikutarô  In Japanese | Arashi Yoshitarô  In Japanese

This actor was born in Kyôto in 1889 in the district of Miyagawa-chô. He started his career as a disciple of Arashi Yoshisaburô IV, who gave him the name of Arashi Yoshitarô. Then, he joined Onoe Usaburô II and received the name of Onoe Kikutarô. A few years later, he was back in the Arashi clan, taking the name of Arashi Kitsusaburô V in September 1924 in Ôsaka at the Naniwaza. He held it up to his death the 17th of January 1935. Arashi Kitsusaburô V spent most of his career in the Kamigata theaters, performing either in Kabuki or modern productions.

Yagô Honmyô
Itamiya, Otowaya Kinoshita Kikutarô
Arashi Kitsusaburô VI

Arashi Kitsusaburô VI is the current holder of the name since October 1977.

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