The yagô Otowaya was created by the star Onoe Kikugorô I. It was the name of the Kyôto shibai jaya, where his father Otowaya Hanbei worked as a dekata. The word Otowa could come from a famous mount near Kyôto.

Otowaya is the guild name of the following contemporary actors:


Bandô Hikosaburô

Bandô Kamesaburô

Bandô Kamezô

Bandô Rakuzen

Onoe Kikugorô

Onoe Kikunosuke

Onoe Shôroku

Onoe Maholo

Onoe Matsuya

Onoe Sakon

Onoe Ukon

Onoe Ushinosuke

Actors in the past who belonged to the Otowaya guild

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