Stage name:

Onoe Ushinosuke VII In Japanese

Real name: Terajima Kazufumi

Guild: Otowaya

Line number: SHICHIDAIME (VII)

Birthday: 28 November 2013


Great-great-great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku I

Great-great-great-grandfather: Nakamura Karoku III

Great-great-grandfathers: Matsumoto Kôshirô VII, Nakamura Kichiemon I

Great-grandfathers: Onoe Baikô VII, Matsumoto Hakuô I

Grandfathers: Onoe Kikugorô VII, Nakamura Kichiemon II

Father: Onoe Kikunosuke V


May 2016: first stage appearance (omemie), in Tôkyô at the Kabukiza in the dance "Kioi Jishi Otowa no Hanakago".

January 2019: revival at the National Theatre of Namiki Gohei I's 1779 drama "Sode Nikki Banshû Meguri"; this Otowaya-powered revision was entitled "Himeji-jô Oto-ni Kiku Sono Ishizue"; Kazufumi played the roles of Kunimatsu and Heisaku's son Heikichi (in reality Kunimatsu) [casting | more details].

May 2019: debut on stage (hatsubutai) at the Kabukiza, where he received the name of Onoe Ushinosuke VII and played the role of Ushiwakamaru in "Ehon Ushiwakamaru"; Ushinosuke's grandfathers Onoe Kikugorô VII and Nakamura Kichiemon II played the roles of Kiichi Hôgen and Yoshioka Kijirô; Ushinosuke's father Onoe Kikunosuke V played the role of Yoshioka Kisanta.


Onoe Ushinosuke VII is the young heir of the Otowaya guild. He will take the name of Onoe Kikunosuke VI in May 2025!

The Onoe Ushinosuke line of actors

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