The actor Arashi Koroku I in an illustration from the 1st volume of the book "Sangoku Rôei Kyôbutai" (1731)
Courtesy of the Main Library, Kyôto University - Sangoku Rôei Kyôbutai
Image slightly edited by Shôriya Aragorô (reuse rules)

Ichikawa Ebizô II (1st from left), Arashi Koroku I (2nd from left), Ôtani Oniji I (2nd from right) and Hanai Saizaburô III (1st from right) playing the roles of Watari Shinzaemon, Kokonoe, Ômori Hikoshichi and Sagami no Jirô in the kaomise drama "Tenchi Taiheiki", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1746 at the Nakamuraza

The actors Sakakiyama Koshirô II, Nakamura Matashirô and Arashi Koroku I playing the roles of Kudô Saemon Suketsune, Soga Jûrô Sukenari and Soga Gorô Tokimune in the drama "Keisei Sangoku Ichi", which was staged in the 4th lunar month of 1763 at the Kitagawa no Shibai

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