Iwai Hananojô
Iwai Hananojô  In Japanese

Born in 1664. Iwai Hananojô was recorded for the first time in the book "Yakusha Hakkei", which was published in Kyôto in 1680. He performed in Edo at the Moritaza in 1686. He performed as a wakaonnagata in 1692 in Ôsaka in the theater managed by Iwai Hanshirô I. He was recorded in the 1692 Yakusha Ôkagami. He appeared on stage for the last time in Ôsaka in Winter and Spring 1700, where he performed as a wakaonnagata in the 1st lunar month of 1700 in the new year drama "Rishô Monogatari" and in the 3rd lunar month in the drama "Imayô Yuriwaka", which were both produced by Takeshima Kôjûrô. His rank in the Ôsaka hyôbanki, wakaonnagata section, was naka-no-jô (superior in the middle class). No record afterwards. Date of death unknown.

Iwai Hananojô in the book "Yakusha Hakkei"

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