Actor Bandô Matatarô IV as Genpachibyôe in “Snowflakes: Plum Blossoms Kaomise” (“Mutsu no Hana Ume no Kaomise”), performed at the Ichimura Theater in the Eleventh Month, 1769
Artist: Katsukawa Shunshô
Date: c. 1769
The Art Institute of Chicago (print in the public domain)

The actor Bandô Matatarô IV playing the role of Bandô Tarô in the drama "Gohiiki Kanjinchô", which was staged in the 11th lunar month of 1773 in Edo at the Nakamuraza (print made by Katsukawa Shunshô)

This print is the left component of a diptych (the right print is also available)

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