Nakajima Mihozô I

The actor Nakajima Mihoemon II held the name of Nakajima Mihozô I from his childhood to to the 10th lunar month of 1762.

Nakajima Mihozô I playing a packhorse driver role in the drama "Soga Mannen Bashira", which was staged in the 6th lunar month of 1760 at the Ichimuraza (print made by Torii Kiyomitsu I)

Nakajima Mihozô II

The actor Nakajima Mihoemon III held the name of Nakajima Mihozô II from the 11th lunar month of 1764 to the 10th lunar month of 1783.

Nakajima Mihozô II in a print made by Katsukawa Shunshô in 1770

Nakajima Mihozô III

The actor Nakajima Mihoemon IV held the name of Nakajima Mihozô III from the 11th lunar month of 1784 to the beginning of 1820.

Nakajima Mihozô IV

The actor Nakajima Mihoemon V held the name of Nakajima Mihozô IV from the beginning of 1820 to 1847.

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