Nakamura Kichiemon I playing the role of Kajiwara Heizô Kagetoki in the drama "Ishikiri Kajiwara", which was staged in October 1916 at the Ichimuraza

Ichimura Uzaemon XV playing the role of Kajiwara Heizô Kagetoki in the drama "Na-mo Tachibana Homare no Ishikiri", which was staged in December 1927 at the Kabukiza

Ichikawa Somegorô V playing the role of Kajiwara Heizô Kagetoki in the drama "Ishikiri Kajiwara"

Ichikawa Shinnosuke V playing the role of Kajiwara Heizô Kagetoki in the drama "Ishikiri Kajiwara"

Ôtani Tomoemon VI, Ichimura Uzaemon XV and Nakamura Fukusuke V playing the roles of Rokurôdayû, Kajiwara Heizô Kagetoki and Kozue in the drama "Na-mo Tachibana Homare no Ishikiri", which was staged in December 1927 at the Kabukiza

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