The Actors Nakamura Denkurô II as Senoo Tarô, Ichikawa Komazô II as Minamoto no Yorimasa, Nakamura Nakazô I as Taira no Kiyomori, and Ichikawa Danjûrô V as Kiô Takiguchi (right to left), in the Play Nue no Mori Ichiyô no Mato, Performed at the Nakamura Theater in the Eleventh Month, 1770
Artist: Katsukawa Shunshô
Date: c. 1771
The Art Institute of Chicago (print in the public domain)

Nakamura Nakazô I in a print made by Katsukawa Shun'ei (1789~1790)

Nakamura Nakazô I in a print made by Katsukawa Shunshô (1770~1773)

Nakamura Nakazô I as depicted in the book "Santo Yakusha Omokage Zukushi" published in Ôsaka in 1784 by Yamatoya Kaemon

The Actor Nakamura Nakazô I in the Role of Kan Shôjô in a print made by Katsukawa Shunshô around 1780
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (print in the public domain)

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