Play title Keisei Tôyama Zakura  In Japanese
Hana Kuyô Fûryû Shakkyô  In Japanese
Theater Naka no Shibai
Producer Nakamura Jûzô I
Playwright Takagi Richû, Namiki Eisuke I

The new year ni-no-kawari "Keisei Tôyama Zakura" was staged in the 12th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kan'en era (1750) in Ôsaka at the Naka no Shibai with the following casting:

Code Actors Roles
1 Ichinokawa Hikoshirô II Utanosuke
2 Kiriyama Monji I Tosa Shôgen Mitsunobu
3 Arashi Sangorô II ???
4 Mimasu Daigorô I Ukiyo Matahei
5 Nakamura Utaemon I Fuwa Banzaemon
6 Nakamura Utaemon I Fuwa Dôken
7 Yamashita Rokusaburô Sanza's wife Makino
8 Sanjô Namie I Matahei's wife Okichi
9 Yamashita Jirosa I Oguri Tanzô
10 Kiriyama Monji I Hasebe Unkoku
11 Nakamura Jûzô I Maizuruya Denbê
12 Ichimura Sanohachi Katsuragi
13 Nakamura Tomijûrô I The keisei Tôyama
14 Iwai Hanshirô III Kanô Shirojirô
15 Nakamura Tomijûrô I The leading role of the Shakkyô dance "Hana Kuyô Fûryû Shakkyô"


This drama, which was produced by the zamoto Nakamura Jûzô I, was very similar to Chikamatsu Monzaemon's drama "Keisei Hangonkô"; it included the famous "Domo Mata" act.

The Shakkyô dance "Hana Kuyô Fûryû Shakkyô" was staged to commemorate the 2th anniversary (3rd memorial service) of the passing away of Segawa Kikunojô I.

The opening day was the 11th day of the 12th lunar month of the 3rd year of the Kan'en era (1750), which was the 8th of January 1751 in the western calendar.

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