Onoe Kikugorô V playing the role of Omatsuri Sashichi in the drama "Edo Sodachi Omatsuri Sashichi", which was staged in May 1898 at the Kabukiza (print made by Toyohara Kunichika)

Kawarasaki Gonjûrô III playing the role of Omatsuri Sashichi in the eponymous drama "Omatsuri Sashichi" in a print made by Tsuruya Kôkei in June 1987

Onoe Kikugorô VI playing the role of Omatsuri Sashichi in the eponymous drama "Omatsuri Sashichi" in a print made by Natori Shunsen

Ichimura Uzaemon XV (left) and Onoe Baikô VI (right) playing the roles of Omatsuri Sashichi and the courtesan Koito in the drama "Edo Sodachi Omatsuri Sashichi", which was staged in June 1917 at the Imperial Theater

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