Somematsu Shichisaburô I

The actor Somematsu Shichisaburô I held this name from the 11th lunar month of 1734 to the 9th lunar month of 1762.

Somematsu Shichisaburô I playing the role of Tosa Yogorô in the kaomise drama "Futaba no Nishiki Midori no Onikage", which was staged in Kyôto in the 11th lunar month of 1753 at Hoteiya Umenojô's theater

Somematsu Shichisaburô II

The actor Nakamura Kichisaburô III held the name of Somematsu Shichisaburô II from the 11th lunar month of 1775 to the 10th lunar month of 1786.

Somematsu Shichisaburô II in an illustration from the book "Santo Yakusha Omokage Zukushi" (1784)

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